Kristen's Blog

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Welcome to my new blog

desert yogaMany of us have health challenges of all sorts due to stress, a toxic environment, age, poor habits or other reasons. Since 1990 I have been helping people heal and prevent disease. After publishing my book “Choosing Conscious Health for a Vibrant Life” in 2013 I have felt called to do more teaching so I am starting a blog that will bring interesting ideas and give information for mind, body and spirit healing. I will offer insights into what is current in the news, in our seasons, in our consciousness. You will be able to take away something useful for your own healing from each blog.




cardinals in springI feel gratitude as we finally experience the sunshine and warmth of spring in Minnesota!!  May we remember to look for the small reminders of new life in the singing birds, in the patches of grass greening up, in the warmth of the sun on our faces. And soon, the first spring flowers will show us their fresh colors and the bright green buds will show up on the trees. But not quite yet.

We’re still in the time before the blossoming. Our human cycles tend to match our earthly cycles. After this long winter of going deep inside to learn what needed to be healed in us, we may still be preparing or almost ready to bring forth our new and improved self. Along with spring and Easter comes the promise of new beginnings for us to come out and express what we have been hiding or what we are finally ready to share outwardly. See what is new in you and know that you are being assisted by the earth’s flow to blossom in your own unique ways.

Here are some practical ideas for helping us create more health and vitality this spring, as we may wish to honor the natural cycle of the time with “cleaning out” or “spring cleaning”.

For our body this might mean to cleanse out the toxicity we have accumulated over this long winter.

  • We might choose to fast in some way or decide not to eat sugar for a and red tulips
  • We might recommit to eating more vegetables (at least 2 with every meal).
  • We may wish to eat less of the things we know aren’t that good for us.
  • Try adding some lemon or cucumber slices to your water to get more liquids in you that are healthy for detoxifying.
  • Or commit to more home cooked meals so that you can eat foods that are healthier. (Hopefully you are eating organic foods as much as possible.)

Also for our bodies, use the springtime to get back into healthy exercise habits:

  •  Ride your bike, take walks/hikes, roller-blade (maybe your friend or dog can join you).
  •  Play in the park with your children or grandchildren if you have them.
  •  Go running or whatever you like to do to enjoy the great outdoors. It’s time for us all to get some fresh air and start talking to our neighbors that we haven’t seen all winter long.

And if your house is full of stuff you no longer use or need, clean it up and throw it out!

  • Or better yet, give it to someone who finds those things useful.
  • It feels great to get rid of “things” that are weighing us down.
  • You will literally feel lighter after having done this for yourself.
  • This will give you space to think more clearly, move around in, and enjoy life and friends in without clutter.


Many Blessings,


Welcome to instant summer!

What a difference it makes when it gets warm outside. The plants and trees are green and colorful making our daily travels more beautiful! People flock to all the wonderful parks, lakes and paths we have available to us in these Twin Cities, and finally enjoy our own backyards. It is great to see us using these open spaces to move our bodies, spend time with family and friends and enjoy the great outdoors and special events this season offers.

This gardening season is a busy time at our house. Even in Minneapolis we choose to be farmers. My husband and son plant a modest, yet plentiful vegetable garden that we eat from. I am the flower gardener, with many different gardens and a ridiculous amount of pots full of beauty that surround our front and back yards. We love to watch all of it grow as we lovingly tend to our precious “babies”. May you also revel in the blazing life force of this season.

pink and orange summer flowers yellow and violet summer flowers

So – How is your health?
• Are you able to participate in these outdoor activities?
• Are you too tired to get it all done?
• Are you feeling vibrant and alive?
• Are you enjoying the moments?
What would help you find more joy and energy during this time of output and movement?

Oddly enough, the more outward we become during these busy days, the more we need to remember to go inward to balance the tremendous output that usually happens in this season.

So take some time each day to STOP and sit still for even a few minutes. Feel your feet on the ground or the floor, and take a few deep breaths. Breathe in peace and breathe out stress or anything uncomfortable in your body, mind or spirit. Allow yourself to feel the sensation of your calm body. Give yourself 3-20 minutes of sitting quietly, meditating, finding the stillness in yourself. See if you can come to that beautiful, calm place where your Divine Essence is present to you. This is your own uniqueness, the reason you came here; contact the gifts that you embody that nobody else has in just the same way. Connecting to this place is a healing all its own. It is here that you can literally heal your body, your emotions, all that is you.


Slow Winter

KWwinterWelcome to winter, the season of going within.  With the darkness outside we need more sleep as our natural body rhythms slow down.  Taking the time to sleep more than usual will help you during this slower season.  You may also wish to look inside and see what deeper parts of you need attention, healing or clearing.  Our inner wisdom and intuition may be strong now. Listen to your spirit and respond accordingly.  Take time to connect with these parts of yourselves and to give the attention you may need to these “inner” projects. As there is less activity “outside” this may be your best chance to work on these deeper parts of yourself for a while.

We are more than half done with our Minnesota winter, so the light is starting to come back, waking us a bit earlier in the morning.  There is still plenty of time to take care of our bodies and nurture our spirits before the summer comes at us with its hurried, busy pace.

Here are some self-care ideas for the season:

1)       Take hot baths (with a pound of sea salt and lb. of baking soda for clearing toxins)

2)      Read a book you’ve been wanting to get to

3)      Take up a creative project like knitting, painting or candle-making

4)      Do some writing

5)      Listen to music you love – maybe break out singing!

6)      Sit in quiet meditation

7)      Hang out with people you enjoy

8)      Go on a retreat or vacation

9)      Eat nurturing, healthy foods



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