Teaching Meditation and More


Meditation is one of the single best things a person can practice to deepen the healing in all areas of oneself because it affects mind, body and spirit. Kristen Wernecke has been teaching what she calls Grounding meditation for the past eight years in Minneapolis. Grounding is the process of connecting one’s own energy with the earth’s energy, and using that as a “foundation” to calm and strengthen you, and as a “battery” to recharge yourself – physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. This can also strengthen your connection with your values and goals and leave you more able to take conscious action in manifesting your life’s purpose.

If you have not tried meditation before it is much easier to learn in a group than on your own because a class provides the container for the discipline it requires, it helps you realize that it is not easy for anyone at the beginning and provides support as people can get answers to their questions. The practice of meditation is less about an outcome and more about learning to sit and to quiet and empty the mind. With all of the stimulation we receive in our daily lives, it provides a respite from the input we receive and helps us relax, calm and center ourselves.

In recent years neuroscience has researched the benefits of meditation which I will spell out more specifically below, but overall it has been found that if you meditate for twenty minutes a day it can cause beneficial structural changes to your brain in as little as eight weeks.

Benefits of Meditation

  • Creates positive changes within our brain

  • Lowers heart rate

  • Normalizes blood pressure

  • Lowers the level of stress hormones in our blood

  • Deepens oxygen intake in the body

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Better regulates blood sugar levels

  • Harmonizes our autonomous body rhythms which brings about several positive outcomes like encouraging weight loss


Your Healing Journey Class

This nine-month class’ purpose is to explore and heal one’s self at a deep personal level, through building awareness and the power to make conscious choices in areas that were unknown or unavailable before. We’ll work together on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

The class begins with a foundation based on grounding meditation. Grounding is the process of connecting one’s own energy field with the earth’s energy, using that as a “foundation” to calm and strengthen oneself, and as a “battery” to recharge one’s self. From there students will learn and use the meditative state to explore a variety of topics related to body, mind, and spirit. For example, learning how to reduce illness, conflict, and dissatisfaction in your life; learning how to remove energetic cords; and exploring your connections with others and how you give and receive.

Students will learn about the energy system within their bodies – the chakra system. They will also learn what each chakra is about, as well as what unconscious beliefs they may be holding in particular chakras and how to clear them. They will learn some general philosophies of energy and energy work, and some techniques that can be used to help themselves and others.

What will you gain from this class?

  • Healing on many levels

  • A shift in your consciousness, bringing you more awareness of your choices in life; learning to be present in each moment

  • The ability to slow down and ground yourself in our fast-paced culture, which will help you stay more in touch with who you are, and make you more effective

  • Enhanced connection with yourself and others

  • New beliefs and behaviors that are life-affirming, and some tools and resources to go along with them

  • Deep personal transformation and connection with one’s soul or spirit


Contact Kristen for more information: